What System Do You Use?

Probably the most asked question, when somebody realises what I do for a living: What “system” do you use?
Its not the pitching point I would prefer to bringing people through my door. I believe that all the best fitters in the world do more based on experience than what is taught or suggested by any formal system.
Yes, I use Retul, and I believe it to be the best measurement hardware I could have invested in, but am I a typical “company man”? I would like to think not.

As with every trade, a poor tradesman blames his tools. A good tradesman knows not to trust poor tools. But experience is the element that is involved in consistently good work.

I have been calling myself a ‘Bike Fitter” for at least 5 years now, and in the scheme of things that’s not that long. Retul has only been part of that for half the time. The funny thing is that in the time I was using digital protractors and laser levels, I was still measuring all the same landmarks as I do now, but the significant change is now all my measurements are available in live motion capture. A significant upgrade when compared to static fitting.

My Hardware tells me all the measurements when compared with everything else dynamic, and allows me to make an informed decision on how far in which direction I need to push an athlete, and a part of the dynamic is in need of compensation.
My experience lets me know how to compensate.

The point I would advertise, is that no matter the hardware, the most critical element isn’t reading the numbers the computer spits out, but realising when the numbers aren’t appropriate. Asking the right questions to truly understand what is right for the client before you pigeon hole them for a particular positional co-ordinate.

I pride myself in applying information from more eductional streams that just the proprietary system I use, (Exercise Science Australia, Journal of Science and Cycling etc), but how can I articulate that in a one line answer?

What System Do I use?

Experience and Aptitude, supported by Retul.

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