Expectation Management 101

In my initial line of question apon acquainting myself with a new client, I ask a pretty open question.
“To consider today a success, what would we achieve or what issue would we solve?”

Particularly in the more race orientated clients, the responses regurgitate the slogans and cliche’s the bike industry has made famous. More power, more comfort, increased efficiency and more aero.

In my position, sometimes people are looking for a miracle, and when they wake up tomorrow and they arent as powerful as Lance, or as aero as Sir Wiggins, it can be somewhat of a let down that they took half a day and a few hundred dollars to not have their expectations met. Well let me tell you something the industry seems not to propagate too well: Everything you seek takes a whole lot of WORK.

My position in the industry isnt to sell you the latest thing to make you faster, or cooler. Its to make sure you dont do yourself any unnecessary damage through injury. I am here to make sure that all the WORK you do, is accumulating to be a great result.
Key recruitment is a significant part of power production, and more importantly, balanced recruitment keeps you from injury.

In a responsible position for your ability, together we can WORK towards that position that’s fastest for you. But here’s a hard truth. Its a lot of work to look as good on a TT bike as Wiggins, or as smooth as Robbie Mcewen. And sometimes ,my client need to realise that their dedication to all aspects of their body maintenance, does not deserve a world class pro edition position.

Now I can hear you thinking: “He just told me that he cant make me look as awesome as I think I should look, just by moving my bike parts around”

Nope, No I cant. What I can do is seek the best your body has to offer, and WORK with you long term towards that position we both want you to be in.

I don’t sell snake oil, and I don’t oversell my magic conjuring abilities. Im here to work with you to be 100% as capable, functional and extrordinary as your body is capable.  Not what someone elses body is capable of.

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